Fatmala, Apriza2021-07-152021-07-152020-07wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10009The yield of mung beans (Vigna radiata (L) R. Wilckzek) in Riau Province has decreased since 2011 due to the reduced cultivating mung beans land. Kampar cultivar has low production and tend to be profitless, so makes mung beans farmers not too interested to cultivate them. Radiation with gamma rays is one of the many ways to improve the plants genetic. This study aimed to evaluate the character of mung bean phenotypes resulting from gamma rays radiations in M5 generation. This study used 13 M5 populations of Kampar cultivar and untreated population as control. Each population was planted in different plots and each plant was planted with 40 cm x 40 cm space between. The observed characters were age of mature pods and number of pods. Data was analyzed with mean analysis and DMRT using SPSS program version 15.0. The results showed that gamma rays radiation caused the age of mature pods of mutant plants to be longer and the number of pods per plant decreased.engamma rays radiationVigna radiataKampar cultivarM5 generationphenotypeEVALUASI KARAKTER UMUR POLONG MASAK DAN JUMLAH POLONG PADA MUTAN KACANG HIJAU (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) GALUR KAMPAR GENERASI KELIMA (M5) HASIL RADASI GAMMAArticle