Susanti, FebriTaer, ErmanSugianto2016-05-192016-05-192016-05-19wahyu sari yeni electrodes from coconut shell have been produced using the experimental method with variation activating agent of: (A) ZnCl2, (B) KOH, (C) carbon ZnCl2 + KOH (s) and (D) carbon KOH + ZnCl2 (s). Surface area of carbon coconut shell was tested using a N2 gas absorption desorption method for all samples A, B, C and D 4.964 m2/g, 7.958 m2/g, 2.746 m2/g and 11.103 m2/g respectively. Specific capacitance was determined using the Cyclic Voltametry (CV) method for each samples and obtained the value of specific capacitance and yielded 7.32 F/g, 0.2117 F/g, 7.52 F/g and 0.314 F/g. Micrograph SEM data showed that the carbon of electrode produced has an irregular shape of particles. These results proved that the multi step chemical activation could increas the surface area and the specific capacitance of electrode carbon from coconut shell.enMaterials activatorsSupercapacitor electrodesCoconut shell charcoalANALISIS PERBEDAAN BAHAN AKTIVATOR DALAM PEMBUATAN ELEKTRODA SUPERKAPASITOR DARI ARANG TEMPURUNG KELAPAstudent Paper Post Degree