Supriusman2014-02-062014-02-062014-02-06978-602-17017-2-0wahyu sari yeni managernent skill is one of the basic skills of teaching that should be implernented in teaching learnipg process by all teachers in pafticular, English teachers. By having theoretical knowledge, teachers are expected to have ability how to solve problerns in the classrooln such as how to handle Llncooperative students. how to solve students' reluctance to talk, and how to help studettts understand the agclio tract, and so on. Besides that, teachers are expected to teach their students in English, however, they have problems and difficulties in giving instructions, giving commands, asklng questions, explaining, and interaction. This paper is intended to help English teachers improve their it itt in managing classroorn through E,nglish expressions. Furthennore, this paper describes the definition of classroom lmanagement, two main components of classroom management, what important points to take into account in classroom management, and some useful expressions that can be used when English teachers manage their classroom in teaching English.enuseful expressionsclasrooom managementlanguage teachingUSEFUL EXPRESSIONS OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGUR-Scientific Work Lecturer