Hadifarta, Ferdian2013-01-282013-01-282013-01-28Arbi Sahurihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1674In face of emulation of very tight service area company, service firm of AJB Bumiputera 1912 region Pekanbaru in its marketing in promotion hotchpotch concept major implementation personal selling in their insurance policy sale. Through this strategy cover organization, planning, field execution, and braid relation with consumer. This study target to analyse and know, and also to know constraints of implementation personal selling of AJB Bumiputera 1912 region Pekanbaru, execution personal selling cover information gathering, prospecting, targeting, communicating, selling, servicing, and allocating. Sampling technique with a population 7963 and intake questioner used Slovin formula that is as much 98 responder people. Data technique with questionnaire with an eye to know assessment from consumer. Analyse data use quantitative descriptive. Data obtained and collected, dikelompokan and presented in the form of tables and analysedotherAnalysisImplementation Personal SellingInsurance Policy SaleANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI PERSONAL SELLING DALAM PENJUALAN POLIS ASURANSI (KASUS ASURANSI JIWA BERSAMA BUMIPUTERA 1912 WILAYAH PEKANBARU)student Paper Post Degree