Dewi2014-05-062014-05-062014-05-06MUCHTAR RAHMAT purpose of this study is to know, how about effectiveness distribution of the raskin and know the factors which influence Raskin distribution in Selatbaru village. This study trade on interview result between research with informan deliberately researches determine in accordance with the needs of the required information. Later observations for viewing and analyzing events in the field. The result shown the distribution of Raskin still founding some matter which not suitable with the result Raskin indicator on achieve the 6T (right apporiate, quantity, price, time, quality and administration) target with the result that can influence the distribution process of Raskin.otherEffektiveness,Distribution,Raskin,ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS PENYALURAN RASKIN DI DESA SELATBARU KECAMATAN BANTAN KABUPATEN BENGKALISstudent Paper Post Degree