Khairunnas2013-08-272013-08-272013-08-27MUCHTAR RAHMAT purpose of this research is to know the factors that affect the consumer interest to save in PT. BRI Unit Of Bertuah City Pekanbaru. This research analyzes the data by using a quantitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the research note that the interest of consumers to save in PT. BRI Unit Of Bertuah City Pekanbaru influenced by location, price, amenities and service as a whole can be said to have been good. This is reflected in the indicator of the location, the location of PT. BRI Unit Of Bertuah City Pekanbaru is strategic location, good transport access to the location of the bank, ease to reach the location of the bank and the bank's location close to the crowd. Price indicators, namely ease of opening a new savings account Simpedes, where early new account opening balance only IDR 100.000,-. Indicators of facilities, the facilities are always functioning properly as well as the ease of using the other facilities available at the PT. BRI Unit Of Bertuah City Pekanbaru. Service indicators, namely clarity of information service and bank employees who provide friendly and courteous service.otherconsumer interestlocation,price,facilities,servicesANALISIS MINAT KONSUMEN MENABUNG DI BISNIS PERBANKAN (KASUS PERKEMBANGAN NASABAH PT. BANK BRI UNIT KOTA BERTUAH PEKANBARU)student Paper Post Degree