Kasmiati2013-07-172013-07-172013-07-17Nofianti,S.Pdhttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4440Citra Perempuan Dalam Novel Habibie Dan Ainun Karya Bacharuddin Jusuf HabibieDepiction of the image of women is a reflection of the woman or man who is very attractive, superior, brilliant, and radiant. Image of women is very closely related to the literature, clearly a lot of literature who wrote a story about the image of women because, women are unique and interesting aspect to be discussed and written in a literary work. Literary works always provide open space on each object discussed. One object that never runs out into a dish is the theme of women, one of them through stories in the novel. Novel is one of the literary form most sensitive to reflection and imaging for the community. This study discusses about the image of women in the life of a fairly widespread problem. To achieve better results, the authors limit pemasalahan focused on the image of women in the image of women in relation to God, the human self and with others in the novel HA Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie works by using the theory of the female image and Sitanggang Oemarjati. This study was conducted to determine how the image of women in a relationship with God, ourselves and other human beings. To obtain the required data, the researchers conducted a study to analyze the novel Habibie and Ainun. From the analysis of the data showed that the figure Ainun was a very independent woman, Saleha, berperinsip and care about others. Ainun figure is very faithful to God, to run things his way, and stay away from all prohibitions, any problems that befell his family that he had turned over all are omnipotent. For Ainun family is the woman who is able to act as a wife and mother well, she accompanied Habibie wherever duty, maintain good health and able to support and conditioning every anxiety Habibie. Ainun also very concerned with others, his attitude is always sympathy and empathy makes it a wise woman with the positions of others. From the analysis of the data showed that many Ainun figures depict the image of women in touch with yourselfen-USCitra Perempuan,Karya Sastra dan NovelCitra Perempuan Dalam Novel Habibie Dan Ainun Karya Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibiestudent Paper Post Degree