Fitriani, Anita2013-02-192013-02-192013-02-19 approaches describe as a study activity provoked by the student’s perception of context, content and learning task that consist of three forms are deep, strategic and surface learning approach. Learning approaches as a process factor influence academic achievement as a product factor. An analytic cross sectional study was carried out to know the correlation between learning approaches and academic achievement of second year medical students in Faculty of Medicine, Riau University period 2011/2012. The data was taken by using short version questionnaire of Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST) which was translated into Bahasa. The results showed that 54.6% respondences used strategic learning approach, 18.5% respondences used surface learning approach, 14.3% respondences used deep learning approach and 12,7% used combination two kind of learning approaches. Academic achievement showed weak positive correlation with deep learning approach (r=0.321), strategic learning approach (r=0.228) and weak negative correlation with surface learning approach (r= -0.205).enlearning approachacademic achievementmedical studentHUBUNGAN PENDEKATAN BELAJAR DENGAN PRESTASI AKADEMIK MAHASISWA TAHUN KEDUA FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU TAHUN AKADEMIK 2011/2012