Riawan, DadheSaktiotoZulkarnain2016-05-232016-05-232016-05-23wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/8404A density of plasma thermal carbon ion species has been successfully simulated with the software program Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB). The code is designed from the continuity equation by time function and the Arrhenius Equation. The code is run by entering the coefficient charge each reaction and Arrhenius parameters formed as a matrix. The Arrhenius parameters are α, β, and γ. Six reaction of plasma forming the carbon species depend on the Arrhenius from as a function of temperature. Carbon ion plasma density is calculated to reach thermodynamic equilibrium at atmospheric pressure. The temperature of plasma used is the same for all species with a value of 0.5 eV and integration of time is 10-9 seconds. The density are integrated by the time with Runge-Kutta method. Time range for the species to reach thermodynamic equilibrium is 10-9 – 10-8 seconds. A results of the thermodynamic equilibrium of carbon ion plasma densities are ne= 1019.09 m-3, nC= 1024.09 m-3, nC+ = 1022.09 m-3, nC2+ = 1021.09 m-3, nC3+ = 1021.09 m-3, nC4+ = 1021.09 m-3, nC5+ = 1021.09 m-3, nC6+ = 1021.09 m-3. These show that the equilibrium can be achieved at a certain value of time but unstable condition.enPlasmaCarbon Ion DensityArrhenius EquationThermodynamic EquilibriumPENENTUAN DENSITAS PLASMA ION KARBON PADA TEKANAN ATMOSFIR UNTUK MENCAPAI KESETIMBANGAN TERMODINAMIKstudent Paper Post Degree