Sirait, RannyHasibuan,SaberinaSyafriadiman2013-07-162013-07-162013-07-16sumarni research was conducted from January to March 2013 in a Laboratory Environment Quality cultivation, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty of University of Riau. The purpose of this research is to know the basic podsolic red yellow soil quality a mixture of organic fertilizer quail droppings and inorganic fertilizers from Urea, SP36 and KCl and water quality. The method used in the experiment was Randomized Complete Design with 6 degrees of treatment with 3 replication. The treatment used in this experiment was (without treatment), proportion of 100% organic fertilizer (75,96 g): 0% inorganic fertilizers (0 g; 0 g; 0 g), proportion of 70% organic fertilizer (53,17 g): 30% inorganic fertilizers (0.25 g; 0.04 g; 0.14 g), proportion of 50% organic fertilizer (26,59 g): 50% inorganic fertilizers (4.16 g; g; 0,68 2.26 g, proportion of 30% organic fertilizer (7.98 g): 70% inorganic fertilizers (5,82 g; 0.95 g; 3.16 g), proportion 0% organic fertilizer (0 g): 100% inorganic fertilizers (8.25 g; g; 4,52 1.36 g). Result showed that the provision of organic and inorganic mixed with different dose effect on the quality of soil as soil pH, soil organic matter, cation exchange capacity and posphate. Treatment that can provide the best influence on the characteristics of the land base of the pond is the proportion of 50% organic fertilizer:50% inorganic fertilizers.otherfertilizer dosesfertilizer quailsoil qualitywater qualityPodsolic Red Yellow Soil Quality On A Given Pool Mixed Fertilizer Of Organic And Inorganicstudent Paper Post Degree