Suhana, Mario Putra2013-07-242013-07-242013-07-24sumarni research was conducted in May 2013 in the waters of Beralas Pasir Island, Bintan Regency, Kepulauan Riau Province. The purpose of the research was to understand the suitability of Beralas Pasir Island used for marine ecotourism for tourism activities as of snorkeling and diving tours based on coral reef ecosystem potential. The research method used was a survey method with purposive sampling technique sampling, observation station consists of a 3 point station. Based on observations, coral reef ecosystem on Beralas Pasir Island were in category of moderate, with an average percentage coverage about 46,69% of coral communities. In each station the dominance of reef types were Acropora Tabulate (ACT) and Coral Foliose (CF). The analysis for suitability for eco-tourism of snorkeling and diving showed that all stations were at moderate category (S2) in which the highest percentage was seen in station I.otherCoral ReefMarine EcotourismBeralas Pasir IslandINVENTORY OF CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEMS POTENTIAL FOR MARINE ECOTOURISM DEVELOPMENT (SNORKELING AND DIVING) IN THE WATERS OF BERALAS PASIR ISLAND BINTAN REGENCY KEPULAUAN RIAU PROVINCEstudent Paper Post Degree