Thahirah, At2021-07-292021-07-292020-08wahyu sari yeni barcoding techniques can be utilized in the field of plant taxonomy and phylogenetics to identify plants more accurately. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a technology that supports to multiply a small sample of DNA into millions of copies. Annealing temperature optimization needs to be done in order to obtain specific target DNA. This research was conducted to obtain annealing temperature to amplify the ndhF-rpl32 Intergenic Spacer region in pandanus plants (Benstonea sp.) from Riau. The stages of this research included total DNA isolation using Genomic DNA Mini Kit Plant, PCR replication using the DreamTaq DNA Polymerase kit, and electrophoresis. The primers used in this study were ndhF: 5'- GAA AGG TAT KAT CCA YGM ATA TT-3 ' and rpl32-R: 5'- CCA ATA TCC CTT YYT TTT CCA A-3 '. The results obtained from this study showed that optimal annealing temperatures were found at 50,3 ◦ C.enAnnealing temperature optimizationBenstonea spDNA barcodingndhF-rpl32 Intergenic SpacerPCROPTIMASI SUHU ANNEALING UNTUK AMPLIFIKASI ndhF-rpl32 INTERGENIC SPACER PADA TUMBUHAN PANDAN (Benstonea sp.) ASAL RIAUArticle