M, Syahrul2023-06-072023-06-072023-03PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11006ZnO nanoparticles have been prepared through a biosynthetic method using microwave method with the addition of sulfur doping with percentage variations of 1 and 2%. Sulfur doping ZnO particles in the form of flakes from synthesis were characterized using UV-Vis spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction (XRD). The UV-Vis absorption spectrum shows absorption peaks in the UV region of 300-400 nm with bandgap energy ranging from 3.04-3.08 eV. XRD analysis exhibit the crystal size is in the range of 33 nm. The emerging plane peaks in the 30-80° angle range confirm wurtzite-shaped crystals with high purity of ZnO particlesenBIOSINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI (Optik dan XRD) SENG OKSIDA DIDOPING SULFUR MENGGUNAKAN EKSTRAK DAUN MATOAArticle