Devianto, Dodi2012-11-102012-11-102012-11-09978-979-1222-95-2wahyu sari yeni is shown that the sum of rare event random variable X„j generated from generalization of negative binomial distribution in the scheme of infinitesimal system of ^ = {{^„y}y=i2 n) converges to a kind of stable distribution with skewed property and heavy tailed. The sum of random variables X„j show a good s h ^ to figure out a rare event phenomenon where most of fail events have high probability concentrated around random variables zero, and the remainders (success events) have veiy low probability to appear.enrare eventskewed distributionheavy tailed distributionstable distributiongeneralization of negative binomial distributioRARE EVENT MODEL SIMULATION FOR HEAVY TAILED DISTRIBUTIONArticle