Bahri, Syamsul2013-07-052013-07-052013-07-05 Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Berkarakter Pada Materi Pokok Pesawat Sederhana Kelas VIII SMPThis research is supposed to produce a learning device physics character in simple machine for 8 th grade students junior high school. The type that used in the research is R&D (research and development). The development of learning device includes pleriminary studies, development of the learning, validation and revision as needed. The data collected is the score assessment of the learning device validity that was developed. Assessment is done through desk evaluation by a validator which consists of lecturers Physics Education Study Program and the teachers in junior high school. The learning device in this research were a syllabus, lesson plans, worksheets, and formative tests. Validation of the results obtained with a validity of 3.40 is very high category so it can be concluded that the developed learning was good and decent to be try in science teaching in junior high school physics.en-USlearning device,R&D,CharacterPengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Berkarakter Pada Materi Pokok Pesawat Sederhana Kelas VIII SMPScientific Work Student Achievment Riau University