Nurmi, Era Adyani2013-07-162013-07-162013-07-16 research implemented on PDAM Tirta Kampar Bangkinang, at Sudirman Street No.107. This research is intend to understand discipline and work environment effects by simultaneous or partial for employee productivity on PDAM Tirta Kampar Bangkinang. Population in this research is all employees at PDAM Tirta Kampar Bangkinang. The sample done by means of render the whole population of being respondent namely 63 people. Data from primary source of data and data sekunder. The technique of collecting data in this research is through a questionnaire and an interview. A method of analysis used is a method of descriptive quantitative using linear regression worship of idols with the help of program spss version 17. This research result indicates that variable discipline influential positive and significantly to employee productivity of PDAM Tirta Kampar Bangkinang. Work environment influential significant and positive is variable are more dominant influential against employee productivity of PDAM Tirta Kampar Bangkinang. Simultaneous test showed that variable discipline and work environment has influence significantly to employee productivity of PDAM Tirta Kampar Bangkinang described by the coefficient of determination (R2). Variable discipline and variable work environment can be explained variable employee productivity of 97% while the rest about 3% explained by other variables that are not investigated in this research.otherDisciplineWork EnvironmentEmployee ProductivityDISCIPLINE AND WORK ENVIRONMENT EFFECTS FOR EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY ON PDAM TIRTA KAMPAR BANGKINANG