Irawan, Ica2023-03-022023-03-022022-12PerpustakaanElfitra the current era of globalization, competition in the business sector is getting tougher. This is because more and more business actors are starting their businesses or expanding the businesses they manage so that a business entity or store needs to make a certain sales strategy. To make a strategy, certain information is needed as material for consideration in making decisions, for example choosing a sales strategy that can utilize information from a collection of sales transaction data from that store. The purpose of this study is to obtain information in the form of consumer buying patterns, especially furniture, find consumer purchasing rules, and obtain sales strategy recommendations from the rules. There are several stages of this research method, including the data collection stage; equipment used, and steps to solve it. The initial data used is 2708 from January 2020 to May 2022. To obtain association rules, this study uses a minimum support of 10%. and a minimum confidence of 50%. The number of frequent patterns obtained was 19 and the association rules obtained were 8. From the association rules obtained, a sales strategy was formed.enFP-GrowthData MiningFurniturePurchase PatternsMENENTUKAN STRATEGI PENJUALAN FURNITURE MELALUI POLA PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA FP-GROWTH PADA TOKO NUSANTARA ALUMINIUMArticle