Septiani, Vivin2021-10-192021-10-192021-03wahyu sari yeni is an organic compound that has a basic structure (R1R2C=N-NR3R4). Azomethine (-NHN=CH) is the active group of the hydrazone compound, which makes this compound has a variety biological activities. In this research, the synthesis of the hydrazone compound (1-(naphtalene-2-il)ethyliden)hydrazine (IHK-AN2) obtained from the condensation reaction between 2-acetylnaphtalene and hydrazine hydrate catalyzed by acetic acid. The compound was synthesized using microwave irradiation method with 180 watt. The purity of the compound was determined by TLC, melting point measurement and HPLC analysis. The compound was analyzed by UV and FTIR spectrophotometer. Synthesis of hydrazone in this research was concluded with a yield 85,86%. The toxicity of the IHK-AN2 compound was evaluated by BSLT method. LC50 value of the compound was >1000 μg/mL. From the data above was concluded that the IHK-AN2 compound was not toxic.enBSLThydrazonetoxicitySINTESIS DAN UJI TOKSISITAS SENYAWA (1-(NAFTALEN-2-IL) ETILIDEN)HIDRAZINArticle