Arvint, AhmadYuharmenJasril2016-05-022016-05-022016-05-02wahyu sari yeni secondary metabolites of Alpinia malaccensis rhizomes was isolated and their toxicity activity was assayed using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) method. Isolation the secondary metabolites of this rhizomes was done using maceration method with n-hexane. Separation was carried out by vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). VLC results obtained there were 5 fractions with code F-1 to F-5. F-3 fraction obtained was yellow pure compound (AR3) with a melting point of 133 – 135 0C. Characterization of compound AR3 using UV, FTIR, MS and NMR spectroscopy showed that compounds was desmethoxyyangonin. The toxicity test showed n-hexane extracts, F-2 fraction and AR3 compound were toxic with LC50 11.18; 17.39 and 0.85 ppm respectively. The F-1 fractions was not toxic with LC50 1174.89 ppm.enAlpinia malaccensisBSLTdesmethoxyyangonintoxicity testISOLASI METABOLIT SEKUNDER DAN UJI TOKSISITAS EKSTRAK n-HEKSANA RIMPANG TANAMAN Alpinia malaccensis Roxb. (ZINGIBERACEAE)student Paper Post Degree