YumiatiRahmalia, SitiArneliwati2013-07-062013-07-062013-07-06http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4164The aims of this research is to analize the effectivity of garlic steeping comparative than captopril for reduce blood pressure to patiens hypertension. The design research is quasy experimental method with non-equivalent control group design which devided into three groups, Total sample in the research is 45 people with 15 people as garlic intervention group, 15 people as captopril intervention group, and 15 people as control group. The sampling technique explored purposive sampling which selected based on inclusion criteria. The equipment was used to measure blood pressure is sphygmomanometer. The patients of garlic intervention groups were given half glass of steeping garlic on three days and the patients of captopril intervention group were given 1 tablet caotipril 12.5 mg on three days, where as control group, were not given. Data analysis applied were univariate and bivariate by using Repeated Anova and one way anova test to show the result. The result of this research showed that mean of the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure before steeping garlic given 157.53 mmHg and 94.00 mmHg, while the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure after a given steeping garlic of 139.33 mmHg and 81.27 mmHg were mean blood pressure decreased significantly after intervention given by p value = 0.000. Whereas in the captopril intervention group diastolic and systolic blood pressure before intervention given 175.33 mmHg and 110.00 mmHg, while the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure after intervention of 149.33 mmHg and 88.33 mmHg with p value =0.000. The conclusion of steeping garlic can reduce blood pressure for patients hypertension and as effective as concumption captopril 12.5 mg.encaptoprildiastolic blood pressuregarlichypertensionsystolic blood pressurePERBANDINGAN EFEKTIFITAS SEDUHAN BAWANG PUTIH DENGAN CAPTOPRIL TERHADAP PENURUNAN TEKANAN DARAH PADA PENDERITA HIPERTENSIOther