YustinaArnentisHayati, MismarSukmawati, Mery2014-02-262014-02-262014-02-26wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/5715A study on reproduction aspect Synbranchus sp has been studied on Mei-Desember 2006, this research used experiment methode by using completely randomized design with 3 replication, 2 treatment and control. The treatment used SG medium and TKKS medium for 5 periods, and one month for each periods. The result shows a total of 90 individuals Synbrancus sp, females size with long < 46 mm and weigh <59 gr. Male size, long is > 46 mm and weigh >59 gr. Interseks is cannibalism phase with body size, long 42-46 mm and weight 59-64 gr. The gonad mature degree IV of famele, the variation of eggs 812-823 grain, egg size diameter 3,125-4 mm. Synbranchus Sp have indicated fecundity content of lowest and the hatchlings by using partial spawner tipe. The treatment used SG medium and TKKS medium has not significantly for reproduction aspect of synbranchus spenreproduction aspectsynbranchus Spmedium SG and TKKSASPEK REPRODUKSI BELUT RAWA Synbranchus sp DALAM MEDIA DENGAN PENAMBAHAN TKKS DAN SERBUK GERGAJIUR-Scientific Work Lecturer