Hermonica, Sri2021-09-302021-09-302021-02wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10248Electronic nose has been applied in agriculture to classify the level of fruit ripeness. The purpose of this research is determine the trapezoid area of the output voltage function of the electronic nose gas sensor. The samples were oil palm fruits of the Tenera variety. The gas sensors used were the MQ2, MQ3, MQ5 and MQ135. The highest trapezoid area is 152.84 Vs, 103.93 Vs, 93.41 Vs for overripe, ripe and unripe fraction, respectively. This shows that the area of the trapezoid is directly proportional to the level of fruit ripeness.enElectronic NoseGass SensorThe Trapezoid MethodOil PalmPENENTUAN LUASAN TRAPEZOID DARI DATA FUNGSI TEGANGAN KELUARAN SENSOR GAS HIDUNG ELEKTRONIKArticle