Iskandar, Irwan2019-03-112019-03-112019-03-11978-602-14576-2-7wahyu sari yeni existence of forests in the world is declining year to year, whereas forests are very important for human life. Besides supplying oxygen for creature, forests also provide many basic needs for humans, such as timber, fresh water, natural medicines, foods and others. EU as regional and intergovernmental organization in Europe cannot stand back of the environmental problems; therefore it promotes an Action Plan called FLEGT-VPA to face the challenge of illegal logging. By the program EU proposes an agreement with 15 timber producing countries to eliminate illegally produced timber, and one of them is Indonesia. Therefore in this paper I want to find out why the EU implements FLEGT-VPA. To answer those questions I used a library research method where primary data are taken from websites of EU, EU FLEGT-VPA and Indonesia government; and secondary data are taken from related websites, such as WWF, UN, and others. This paper I separate into 3 parts; introduction, discussion and conclusion. After doing a research it is found out that EU implements FLEGT-VPA because the treaty of EU supports the protection of environment. Besides that EU wants to play an active role as a global player in fighting against corruption and crime organization, protecting law order, upholding the principles of democratic governance and human rights, and also reducing the violent conflicts. Moreover, EUTR, as a regulation made by EU, has been in force and as a part of FLEGT-VPAenEuropean Union (EU)IndonesiaFLEGT-VPAIllegal LoggingEnvironmental ProblemsMotivasi Dan Implementasi Flegt (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance And Trade) ProjectArticle