RosnitaYulida, RozaTarumum, SuardiArifudin2015-08-042015-08-042015-08-04978-979-792-481-2wahyu sari yeni empowerment of human resources, economics, and institutional self-supporting farmers, so it is able to produce better farming , better business , and better living . This study aims to determine the level of self- empowerment of farmers in the cultivation of oil palm in Riau Province. This study was used eksplanation research that it is intended to discover and develop the theory. Whereas sampling was also choosen by disprosional stratified random sampling. A total of 180 non- farmers will be taken as samples in consideration of the number of farmers and the existence of non- existing extension services in three districts in Riau Province: Kampar , Rohul , and Indragiri Hilir. To answer the first and second objectives using Likert Scale 's Summated Rating (SLR). The results showed that: (1 ) The role of smallholders penyuluan for non- categorized quite instrumental patterns,(2) Empowerment peasant farmers categorized well.enThe empowermentfarmers of oil palm in Riau ProvinceTingkat Keberdayaan Petani Sawit Pola Swadaya Di Propinsi RiauUR-Proceedings