Yuniati, Riska2013-07-192013-07-192013-07-19Nofianti,S.Pd Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Partisipasi Anggota Pada Koperasi Wanita Pesona MartaThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality on the participation of members of the women's cooperatives in the district marpoyan charm Roberts damai.Sampel namely: the number of members present at the meeting and a meeting of members to fill konsioner appropriate to its charging instructions in Pekanbaru Marta Cooperative Enchantment numbered 61 people. The data used were obtained through questionnaire research and documentation. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression were processed through SPSS version 17 for windows. Results of this study indicate that simultaneous, quality of service is seen from variable reliability, assurance, empathy, tangible, responsiveness has a strong relationship (correlation) of the members of the cooperative participation of Enchantment Marta Pekanbaru. This can be evidenced through multiple coefficient value (R) for 0651. And the coefficient of multiple determination (R2) of 0.424.Artinya variable reliability, assurance, empathy, tangible, responsiveness affect the participation of 42.40% and other factors that have not been thoroughly by (100% -42.40%) = 57.6 % This is evidenced for t-table at 1.67303. X1 t-calculated value is greater than t-table 3.750> 1.67303, t-calculated value X2 is smaller than t-table 1.391 <1.67303, t-value X3 count greater than 3,951 t-table> 1.67303, the value of t-X4 count greater than 3,009 t-table> 1.67303, the value of t-X5 count greater than 2,492 t-table> 1.67303. independent variables that have a major influence on participation is X3 empathy, because it has a 3,951.en-USquality of service and participationPengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Partisipasi Anggota Pada Koperasi Wanita Pesona Marta Di Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree