Utami, Trilona2021-07-152021-07-152020-07wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10033The riparian zone is a transition zone between waters and land. One of the vegetation in the riparian zone is pteridophyte. The purpose of this study was to identify species belonging to Cyatheaceae (Pteridophyte) in the riparian zone located in the Ghimbo Potai Prohibited Forests. This study was conducted from November 2019 to April 2020. Method used in this experiment was tracking and plots. There were 20 plots determined by purposive sampling with a plot size of 5 m x 5 m. Plots were designed on the right and left sides of the water flow. Results of this study found 3 species of the family Cyatheaceae namely Cyathea spinulosa, Cyathea podophylla, Schizocaena moluccana with a total of 77 individualsenGhimbo Potai Prohibited ForestCyatheaceaeRiparian zonepteridophyteIDENTIFIKASI CYATHEACEAE (PTERIDOPHYTA) PADA ZONA RIPARIAN DI HUTAN LARANGAN ADAT GHIMBO POTAIArticle