MawartiSyarfiZulfansyah2013-01-172013-01-172013-01-17nurasmi extraction of crude palm oil (CPO) yielding palm oil mill effluent (POME) 60% of total production capacity. POME generally have exceeded organic matter of regulation standart of Kepmen LH No.KEP- 51/MENLH/1995. Ozonation is one of other ways that may be apllied for wastewater treatment. The technology is conducted by contacting POME with ozone. Ozone generated from ozonizer 18 watt power. Consentration ozone that generated is 0,1068 mg/s. Ozone use to reduction COD, Oil and fats, and Total Solid (TS) of POME with pH and contacting time variation. Variation of pH is 4,25; 7 and 10 with NaOH addition and contacting time variation is 10, 20, 30 and 40 minutes. The research resulting obtained decrease of POME compound organic matter. The effisiensy of COD removal maximum reaches 77,93% on pH 4,25 at 40 minutes conacting time, oil and fats removal maximum reaches 60,81% on pH 10 at 20 minutes contacting time, and effisiency of TS removal maximum reaches 98,51% on pH 10 at 10 minutes ozonation.otherCODPOMEoil and fatsozonationtotal solidPENGOLAHAN LIMBAH CAIR PABRIK CPO DENGAN TEKNOLOGI OZONASIstudent Paper Post Degree