Bahri, SyaifulMuhdarinaR Hughes2016-04-222016-04-222016-04-22978-602-73367-0-4wahyu sari yeni work is aimed to study a characteristic of gas production during thermal and catalytic processing on combustion of heavy oil. Oil/sand sample was subjected to a linear heating program 5oC/min from room temperature to a set point temperature 400oC under continuous flowing of air 250 ml/min on a low pressure 3 bar. Combustion gases produced were allowed to flow to a condenser and further were flowed through a drierite bed prior to measure by a GC continuously. Combustion gases produced and oxygen consumption profiles were confirmed that the combustion process has been successfully conducted during experiments. A lighter oil of 23.3oAPI was produced from the catalytic run compared with oil of 19.3oAPI resulted from the non-catalytic run.enIn situ combustionheavy oilcatalystthermal and catalytic processescombustion gases producedA Characteristic of CO and CO2 gases production during a combustion process of In Situ Combustion (ISC) Method on Upgrading of Crude OilUR-Proceedings