Rahayu, Siti2022-11-282022-11-282022-07PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10772Mercy Clinic is one of the health services in Pekanbaru which has a lot of transaction data on patient prescription drugs. Because the number of transactions that occurred everyday causes the accumulation of data. Therefore, the data is better processed to improved sales strategy. The association rule mining method is used to found associative rules or the relationship of certain things between a combination of items, which later aims to found out the pattern of combinations of prescription drugs that often appeared used the apriori algorithm. This system is designed used UML, made the system used the PHP programming language and database. This research was conducted on 1,302 transaction data in April-May 2021 with a minimum support parameter of 7% and a minimum confidence of 20%. This study resulted in four association rules with a combination of items up to 2-itemset.enApriori AlgorithmsAssociation Rule Mining and Medical PrescriptionIMPLEMENTASI ASOSIASI APRIORI UNTUK MENENTUKAN POLA KOMBINASI RESEP OBATArticle