Trisnawati, Fenny2015-08-182015-08-182015-08-182303-064xwahyu sari yeni Kota Pekanbaru is the official institution set up by the mayor’s decision aimed to distribute zakat, donation and alms of muzakis to mustahik. BAZ Kota Pekanbaru has several programs that are expected to help alleviate poverty in Pekanbaru. One of these program is Pekanbaru Makmur, productive assistance given to mustahik to increase business capital. This research aims to look at the condition of mustahik recipient of productive assistance in 2012 and how selection process of mustahik. The results of this research indicates there are only 11 district out of 12 district in the city of Pekanbaru that receive productive assistance. Seen from sex, as much as 62,4% productive beneficiaries are men. Judging from the level of education, as much as 48,2% high school education. Judging from the age, as much as 93% are in the productive age. For place to stay, as musch as 47,1% mustahik are rented house and 71,8% occupies a permanent home. There are four stage through which before mustahik received assistance, (1) to apply, (2) mustahik interviews and data collection, (3) plenary meeting for determination of assistance, (4) the distribution of assistance to mustahik.enMuzakiPovertyProductive AssistanceMustahikZakatSebaran Mustahik Penerima Bantuan Produktif Tahun 2012 Dan Proses Penseleksian Mustahik Pada Baz Kota PekanbaruUR-Scientific Work Lecturer