Arnaldo, R2013-04-292013-04-292013-04-29Muchtar Rahmat Selection of Regional Head and Deputy Head of the region is the embodiment of democracy. Under Article 1, paragraph (1) government regulations of the Republic of Indonesia number 6 of 2005 concerning the selection, approval, appointment and dismissal of the Head and Deputy Head of Regional, Government Regulation No. 49 of 2008 concerning amendments to the Regulation No. 6 of 2005 are: means of implementation of the sovereignty of the people in the region or province and regency / city based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution to choose Regional Head and deputy head of the Region. With the adoption of the electoral law is directly the Act No. 12 of 2003 regarding legislative, Law No. U. 23 of 2003 on the Election of the President, Law no. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government. The amount of participation in the community one of the candidates in District Singingi especially in populous Ethnic Villages Java make an excuse for the author to conduct this research. The study was conducted in the village of Ethnic Javanese covered in Singingi District. In this study the authors use the technique of data collection by interviewing informants purposively (aims), To see how to define the phenomenon occurs then use the theory of voting behavior, voting behavior according Surbakti (1997:170) are: "Activity voting by individuals who are closely related to decision-making activities to choose (to vote or not to vote) in a general election (direct election)”. Theory of voting behavior in terms of the three approaches, namely the approach Psychological, Sociological, and Rational. From the analysis conducted by the research informants influence voting behavior in society Ethnic Javanese influenced primarily by psychological factors on the basis of indicators of a candidate, issue, party, followed next with a sociological approach with indicators of geographical conditions, and a rational approach to the profit and loss indicators (Cost and Benefit). The authors concluded voter behavior in society caused by factors Ethnic Javanese candidates and issues on offer in the campaign, while of party, geography, and profit and loss Ethnic Javanese society was less affected settled on the local elections in 2011 Kuantan Singingi RegencyotherDemocracyElectionBehaviorPERILAKU MEMILIH PADA PEMILIHAN KEPALA DAERAH KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI TAHUN 2011 (STUDI KASUS KECAMATAN SINGINGI)student Paper Post Degree