Dewi, Mirna WatiTeruna, Hilwan YudaYuharmen2016-10-192016-10-192016-10-19wahyu sari yeni or kasembukan often called kentut-kentut leaves (Paederia scandens) belonging to family Rubiaceae is one of medicinal plant species in Indonesia. Phytochemical test showed that the stem of this plant contains secondary metabolites terpenoids and saponins. Metabolites of the stems were extracted using n-hexane by maceration method. The n-hexane extract obtained was separated using VLC and purified further using flash chromatography. Vials 3 to 6 were combined (called VG1) based on the TLC patterns then recrystallized and resulting orange solids that are not pure. Characterization of VG1 by UV-Vis spectroscopy and FT-IR allegedly showed functional groups C=O and S-H. Antibacterial activity test using agar diffusion method was performed on VG1 and n-hexane extract. Based on the activity test, VG1 compounds have no antibacterial activity against (negative), while the n-hexane extract had a weak activity against B. subtilis and P. aureginosa.enAntibacterialn-hexane extractPaederia scandensterpenoidISOLASI DAN UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI SENYAWA METABOLIT SEKUNDER DARI F3 (V3-6) EKSTRAK n-HEKSANA BATANG SEMBUKAN (Paederia scandens)student Paper Post Degree