Krisman, Krisman2022-01-192022-01-192021-07wahyu sari yeni of underground water based on the geoelectrical imaging and hydrogeochemical case study in Tarai Bangun market has been carried out. This research was done due to potential market waste that can contaminate groundwater quality. The depth of aquifer can be determined using the Schlumberger configuration geoelectric based on the two tracks in which each track has a length of 100 m. The results for four layers with different resistivity, underground water is found in the fourth layer. Underground water was collected from residents well water in the research area. This underground water sample was tested for some parameters such as pH, TDS, Pb, and Zn. Based on the obtained parameters of underground water, it is found that the underground water in this research area cannot be consumed because the pH obtained at a distance of 5 meters from the market is > 9.0 or alkaline. The pH of this underground water is bigger than the pH mention in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2017. This underground water needs to be further processed so that the underground water can be consumed by residents in the research area.enUnderground WaterSamplesGeoelectricsSchlumberger ConfigurationINTERPRETASI AIR BAWAH TANAH BERDASARKAN PENCITRAAN GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI SCHULUMBERGER SERTA HIDROGEOKIMIA STUDI KASUS DI PASAR TARAI BANGUNArticle