Isnaini, YunanSutikno SigitHandayani Yohanna Lilis2013-07-272013-07-272013-07-27rio andika on the completeness and accuracy of the data become the problem to analyzing and to perform hydrological modeling. One attempt to overcome this problem is to use analytics programs satellite rainfall data, it is Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS). IFAS program is quite effective and efficient to simplify or approximating of an actual reality hydrological phenomena. This study took place at the sub-watershed Indragiri, Pulau Berhalo. Utilization of satellite rainfall data in this study was simplified in the form of models. The model was simulated and calibrated with rainfall-runoff period from 1 January to 31 December 2004 and was validated with period 1 January to 31 December 2006. Modeling become optimal after the calibration process with the correlation (R) value of 0,65, volume error (VE) of 3,34%, and the coefficient of efficiency (CE) of 1,06. This showed that the model has a substansial realeted with the measured data (0,4 <R <0,7), the difference of volume is still tolerable (VE <5%), and the efficiency of model to the measured discharge is high efficient (CE >0,75).otherIFAS Modelrainfall-runoff modelingsatellite rainfall dataKAJIAN PEMANFAATAN DATA HUJAN SATELIT UNTUK PEMODELAN HIDROLOGI (STUDI KASUS DAS PULAU BERHALO)student Paper Post Degree