Solfitri, TitiRahmania, Indah2014-06-262014-06-262014-06-26078-602-19531-0-5wahyu sari yeni is an experimental research using Cooperative Learning as a treatment. The objective of the research is identify the effectiveness of the Cooperative Learning on mathematics achievement. Sample of 1st grade student at 8th senior high school in Pekanbaru were used in the studies. The research shows that the Cooperative Learning with Team Assisted Individualization type more effectiveness on mathematics achievement than conventional method. The Cooperative Learning with Team Assisted Individualization type implicate that student active involvement in learning to solve problem will improve their mathematics achievement effectivelyenPENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE TEAM ASSISTED INDIVIDUALIZATION (TAI) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA KELAS X3 SMA NEGERI 8 PEKANBARUUR-Proceedings