Aulia, Siska Miftakhul2012-12-042012-12-042012-12-03yeni In the implementation of the medical profession often encountered conflict between doctor and patient, don’t be solved by the rules of ethics. This is because un the end must be returned on completion of the aspects of the rights and competencethat are comparable to the obligations and responsibilities. The right is the power or authority of a person or a legal entity to acquire or decide to do something. Obligation is something that should be done or to be done by an individual or a legal entity. Starting in September 1981, the conference 34th World Medical Association in Lisbon, for the first time declared the rights of patients. In the legislation no. 29 Year 2004 on the Practice of Medicine Section (52) patients in receiving medical care on medical practice, have the rights and obligations. The research is conducted using cross sectional study and implemented in March 2012 at RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru with a total sample of 60 people. High knowledge level on the right has a greater percentage (98.3%). At the level of knowledge of the patient to the obligations of patients had a high level of knowledge that is 100%. Influential factor is the age and socio- economic condition of the patient.otherKnowledgepatients' rightsobligations patientTINGKAT PENGETAHUAN PASIEN TERHADAP HAK KEWAJIBAN PASIEN DI RSUD ARIFIN ACHMAD PEKANBARU DANArticle