Adrianti, RinceSirait, Haposan2017-01-102017-01-102017-01-10 article discusses the estimator for parameter of inverse Maxwell distribution via size-biased sampling by Bayes method, this is a review of Singh dan Srivastava [International Journal of Science and Research, 3 (2014), 1835–1839]. The process of Bayes inference starts under squared error loss function and entropy loss function, by using quasi prior. The performance of the obtained estimator from Bayes method with two different loss function are then compared among themselves by computing mean square error (MSE) of each estimator.otherBayes methodquasi priorsquared error loss functionentropy loss functionmean square errorPENAKSIR PARAMETER DISTRIBUSI INVERS MAXWELL UKURAN BIAS SAMPEL MENGGUNAKAN METODE BAYESIANstudent Paper Post Degree