Gustiana, NenengEfendi, RustamHarison2016-04-272016-04-272016-04-27wahyu sari yeni this article we review three estimators for the population variance in simple random sampling using regression coefficient and two auxiliary information. They were proposed by Gupta and Shabbir [2] which is a review of their article “Variance Estimation in Simple Random Sampling Using Auxiliary Information.” Bias of estimators and the mean square errors are determined. Furthermore, the mean square errors of each estimators are compared for showing which one is the efficient estimator. A numerical is given at the end of discusssion.envariance estimatorsimple random samplingregression coefficientpopulation variance and mean square errorPENAKSIR VARIANSI POPULASI YANG EFISIEN PADA SAMPLING ACAK SEDERHANA MENGGUNAKAN KOEFISIEN REGRESIstudent Paper Post Degree