Wijoanda, Putra Heru2024-02-052024-02-052023-10PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11299Poverty is a long-standing problem in Indonesia, and it has been an issue during almost all periods of government. Poverty can cause serious problems in the future when the government does not pay special attention to it. The inability of people to meet their standard of living, lack of access to education and employment will lead to recession. The quality of human resources affects low income productivity. Efforts to fight poverty must be carried out comprehensively, covering all areas of people's lives and coordinating their implementation. Poverty has always been a problem for Indonesia, until now there is no sign that it will stop. Therefore, research was conducted on poverty grouping in Riau province using the K-medoids method. It is expected that the results can provide additional information in optimizing poverty reduction in Riau Province. The research was conducted by forming 2 to 4 clusters, then the best results were obtained where the value close to 1 is the best value, namely in the formation of 2 clusters with 0.314477 in cluster 1 consisting of 3 districts Kuantan singingi, Indragiri Hulu, and Indragiri Hilir with high poverty rates while in cluster 2 consisting of Pelalawan, Siak, Kampar, Rokan Hulu, Bengkalis, Rokan Hilir, Kepulaun meranti, Pekanbaru city, and Dumai city with poverty rates.enClusteringData MiningPovertySilhouette coeficientPENGELOMPOKAN KEMISKINAN DI PROVINSI RIAU DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE K-MEDOIDSElfitraArticle