Yelni, Fitri Susrida2025-01-212025-01-212024-01PerpustakaanElfitra worker really longs for guaranteed life in old age. A worker is not always in optimal condition. So a worker must have a plan from the start in order to guarantee future prosperity when entering retirement age. One of the solutions is by joining a pension fund program. The aim of this research is to determine the present value of pension benefits, normal contributions using two methods, namely the aggregate cost method and projected unit credit based on the Weibull distrubution. Weibull distribution parameter estimates are determined using the maximum likelihood estimation and then determined using the Newton-Raphson iteration method. The soluting to the problem is obtained by determining the initial lifetime annuity. Initial term life annuity, then the present value of pension benefits. Normal contributions using the Aggregate Cost method basade on the Weibull distribution are smaller than normal contributions using the Projected Unit Credit method basad on the weibull distribution.enIURAN NORMAL DANA PENSIUN MENGGUNAKAN METODE AGGREGATE COST DAN PROJECTED UNIT CREDIT BERDASARKAN DISTRIBUSI WEIBULLArticle