Noviani, NovianiHaryani, YuliYuharmen, Yuharmen2019-01-142019-01-142019-01-14wahyu sari yeni have an important role in maintaining health because they can capture free radical molecules, thus inhibiting oxidation reactions in the body which are the causes of various diseases. Solanum ferox plants are usually called sour eggplants which are plants that grow wild in tropical and subtropical regions. The eggplant fruit is used as ingredients for cooking. This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity of young fruit and sour eggplant mature fruit. Analysis results The antioxidant activity of the n-hexane extract of the acidic eggplant fruit showed very weak activity in young fruit compared to mature fruit because it had IC50> 500 μg / mLenantioxidantfree radicalSolanum feroxUJI AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN EKSTRAK n-HEKSANA BUAH TERUNG ASAM (Solanum ferox L)Article