Wulandari, Retno Ayu2023-08-022023-08-022023-05PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11087Microgreens contain higher level of micronutrients and bioactive compounds compared to mature plants. Papaya fruit is widely consumed, as a result a lot of papaya seed waste is not utilized. Papaya seeds have a complex nutritional content, therefore they are suitable to be cultivated as microgreens. This study aimed to cultivate microgreens from papaya seeds of Callina cultivar under compost media. This study involved preparation of planting media, seed preparation, seedling, maintenance and harvesting of papaya seed microgreens. Data were analyzed with a qualitative descriptive method. Results showed that papaya seed microgreens could grow well on compost media, although some parts of seedlings were contaminated by fungi. In addition, growth of microgreens were not at uniform rate. However, these problem could be overcome immediately. This study suggested that it is necessary to carry out further research with several combinations of planting media to find the best response from the growth of microgreens.enCompostmicrogreensand papaya seedTEKNIK BUDIDAYA MICROGREENS DARI BIJI PEPAYA (Carica papaya L. var. Callina) MENGGUNAKAN MEDIA KOMPOSArticle