Anrianti, Resa2012-10-312012-10-312012-10-31 tentang peranan guru dalam menumbuhkan semangat patriotisme siswaPERANAN GURU SEJARAH DALAM MENUMBUHKAN SEMANGAT PATRIOTISME SISWA DALAM MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH DIKELAS XI SMAN 2 PERANAP KECAMATAN PERANAP KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HULU Disusun Oleh : Resa Anrianti Sofyan Suri Ridwan Melay Email : / Hp: 085278745384 ABSTRAK Have been done/conducted by Research of Action School, with aim to know Role Of Teacher History In Grow the Spirit Of Patriotism Student In Subject History Class of XI SMAN 2 Peranap, District Of Peranap Sub-Province of Indragiri Hulu. School year 2012 / 2013 . Research done/conducted on 30 juli until 4 agustus 2012 . Amount of student in this research counted 59 people ( 31 class of IPS and 28 class of IPA). From result of research can know that pursuant to result of kuesioner can know that history teacher which teaching in class of XI SMAN 2 Peranap share and grow the spirit of student patriotism, spanned value 51,2 %. And also the spirit of student patriotism have kreteria enough nicely spanned value 58,54 %. Becoming can be concluded that Teacher history play important role in Grow the Spirit Of Patriotism Student In Subject History Claen-USAscribelTeacherspirit of patriotismHistoryPeranan Guru Sejarah Dalam Menumbuhkan Semangat Patriotisme Siswa Dalam Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Dikelas Xi Sman 2 Peranap Kecamatan Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri HuluArticle