Novianty, Aini2013-01-032013-01-032013-01-03Arbi Sahuri State Electricity Company (PLN) is a State Owned Enterprises in the field of electricity in Indonesia. PLN launching a prepaid electricity service programs to overcome arrears payment of electricity bills as well as customer complaints record meter errors, erratic bill payment etc. Target installation of prepaid electricity in Pekanbaru city of 25,000 connections is the biggest target of Riau and Riau Archipelago reached 50,000 connections. Purpose of this study to determine strategy and PLN Public Relations Area Pekanbaru obstacles in socialize prepaid electricity in customers of Pekanbaru. This study used qualitative methods. Sources of data are primary and secondary. The collection data technique used observation, interviews and document. Analysis data technique using Milles and Huberman models. The results of this study indicate that PR strategy in socialize prepaid electricity are persuasive and educative approach using face to face as media and press conference. Furthermore, PR doing cooperation approach with developers, putting up banners and posters in PLN office, distribution of brochures and offering directly to customers. PR strategy received a positive response from customers who become the target of this socialization. However, this strategy has not run for a maximum because information about prepaid electricity have been not spread throughout to customers region in Pekanbaru. PLN obstacles are not balance between employee in socialize prepaid electricity with scope of PLN Area Pekanbaru and lack of publication abaut cost migration to prepaid electricity.otherPR strategysocializeprepaid electricitySTRATEGI HUMAS PLN AREA PEKANBARU DALAM MENSOSIALISASIKAN LISTRIK PRABAYAR DI LINGKUNGAN PELANGGAN KOTA PEKANBARUArticle