Khumaira, Siti2023-05-232023-05-232023-02PerpustakaanElfitra are an important ecosystem for the coastal area at Api-Api Village due to their ability to withstand coastal abrasion. Composition and structure of the mangrove vegetation on the shoreline at Api-Api Village is threatened, caused by natural and human factors. This study aimed to determine the effect of environmental factors on the structure of the mangrove community in Api-Api Village using a purposive sampling method with three observation transects. The data collected included temperature, salinity, water pH, humidity, light intensity, canopy cover, tides, and rainfall. Result of this study showed that environmental factors fall into the normal category and are suitable for the growth of the mangrove community structure in Api-Api Village.enApi-Api Villageenvironmental factorsBengkalis Regencymangrovescommunity structurePENGARUH FAKTOR LINGKUNGAN TERHADAP STRUKTUR KOMUNITAS MANGROVE DI DESA API-API KECAMATAN BANDAR LAKSAMANA KABUPATEN BENGKALISArticle