Andrian, Ilham2022-11-152022-11-152022-07PerpustakaanElfitra selection of extracurricular at State Senior High School 10 Pekanbaru still uses the manual method where the determination of extracurricular is left entirely to the students. The purpose of this study is to recommend students at SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru in determining extracurricular activities according to the fields and abilities of these students. Making a decision on the selection of extracurricular activities at State Senior High School 10 Pekanbaru used the SAW method where the SAW method is a method used to find the optimal alternative from a number of alternatives with certain criteria. The data needed to determine the extracurricular is extracurricular data and criteria data so that the weight of each extracurricular is determined and a ranking of all extracurricular weight values is carried out. The results of the application and testing of this system, it can be concluded that the SAW method can be applied in determining extracurricular activities at State Senior High School 10 Pekanbaru.enExtracurricularDecision Support SystemSimple Additive WeightingSISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN REKOMENDASI PEMILIHAN MINAT EKSTRAKURIKULER SISWA DENGAN METODE SAW DI SMAN 10 PEKANBARU BERBASIS WEBArticle