Aisyah2013-03-252013-03-252013-03-25 throat is one of the common complication of general anesthesia. In full control of general anesthesia is necessary for the patient's airway. Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) is one of the device used in the airway superficial surgery. This study aims to describe the incidence of sore throat after general anesthesia using LMA based on the sore throat complaint, age, gender, and duration of the LMA using. After ethical clearance by the Research Ethics Unit of Medicine and Health Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau, in a cross-sectional descriptive study, a total of 41 patients undergoing surgery with general anesthesia and LMA accordance to the inclusive and exclusive criteria were included. All of the patients were interviewed within 24-36 hours after surgeryto collect data sore throat complaint. The evaluation of sore throat degree was accomplished with a Capan’s scale for sore throat. The result showed that 5 patients (12.2%). Incidence of sore throat were more commonly found in women (11.54%), the age group 54-64 years (100%), with duration of LMA using more than 60 minute (62,5%).otherSore ThroatLaryngeal Mask Airway (LMAGeneral AnesthesiaGAMBARAN KEJADIAN NYERI TENGGOROK (SORE THROAT) PADA PASIEN YANG MENJALANI ANESTESI UMUM DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN LARYNGEAL MASK AIRWAY (LMA) DI RSUD ARIFIN ACHMAD PROVINSI RIAU