Ridho, RosyidSiswoyoAhmad, Hamid2016-03-012016-03-012016-03-01978-979-792-512-3wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/8004Mangosteen is one of the main export commodities in Indonesia. the second largest fresh fruit after bananas. The separation of the parts of the mangosteen fruit currently is still done traditionally by putting pressure on the fruit by hand until broke and then consumed. While the separation of seeds and pulp has not done mechanically and systematically. By increasing the export volume of mangosteen, it needs some efforts to develop this product due to the low quantity, quality and sustainability of production. The design of separator machinery equipment is successful to separate the seeds and fruit flesh (pulp) of mangosteen. Separation of seeds and pulp of mangosteen produces several levels of quality seeds and pulp produced.enTraditionalmechanizationfruitseedMesin Peralatan Pemisah Biji Dan Daging Buah (Pulp) Manggis Machine for Separating Seeds and Pulp of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.)UR-Proceedings