Ningrum, Karinda PuspitaNababan, T. P.Sukamto2013-03-262013-03-262013-03-26Rangga Dwijunanda Putra discussed the integrated optimization problem which is closely related to the issue of inventory and transportation problems. An alternative model called the model ITIO (Inventory-Transportation Integrated Optimization) will be used to solve the optimization problem of integrated inventory and transportation. Here we review the work done by Huanco Tang, Lixin Tian and Lin Jia International Journal of Nonlinear Science. 1 (8), 92-96 (2009) for a single product optimization problemotherInventoryTransportation ProblemLinear ProgrammingMENYELESAIKAN PERSOALAN OPTIMISASI TERPADU UNTUK PERSOALAN TRANSPORTASI DAN PERSOALAN INVENTORIOther