Syahputra, Firman2013-08-282013-08-282013-08-28MUCHTAR RAHMAT most striking thing is the days of the New Order that changes the relationship between students and the Armed Forces are controlled by President Suharto. Changing relationships because basically students never intended to be a political force like the party or the army, but always critical of the ruling government. Characteristics of the New Order government is considered to be behind the emergence of the student movement. In a book entitled The Politics and Ideology of Indonesian Students, Establishment and Consolidation of the New Order 1966-1974, by Francois Raillon published by LP3ES 1985, stated that the New Order government continues to receive a control of students in its development into a social movement that resistance in mid-1998. The purpose of this study was describe the Student Movement In May 1998 the New Order state Substitution Process. Theory (approach) is used as a tool of analysis in this study is the Student Movement Theory and the Theory of Social Change. While the methods used in this research is descriptive qualitative research which is intended to provide a systematic overview of the observed phenomena. Based on this research, In looking at the process of reform in Indonesia in 1998 starting from the beginning to the results achieved, although according to the theory of social stability objective is to put a substance that important but still in need of social change. This is because the revolution is happening in the new order contributed to the change in the system of government in particular and society in general. Expected change some elements in the student movement is a comprehensive change in society. Their goal is all political and economic policy in the hands of the people in the real sense. However, the view that they should be recognized as a consolidation of the concept of expectations due to weak even among elements of the student movement together about it. Weak broad impact of the consolidation of the current student movement so that the student movement is no longer seen as something sacred to put pressure on the government which was considered deviant.otherSuharto,the New Order,Reform,Movement.GERAKAN MAHASISWA MEI 1998 DALAM PROSES PERGANTIAN ORDE BARUstudent Paper Post Degree